The events that have taken place over the past week has been so eye opening in many ways. While the whole world has been fighting the war on COVID19 since the beginning of the year the Black community has been fighting racism for centuries. The recent deaths of George Floyd, Brianna Taylor, just to name a few, in the Black community under police custody has woken up many emotions and arisen protest all over the world. The black community is tired and outraged over police brutality over the systemic injustice that Black and brown people have faced through out the years.
I recently spoke out on my Instagram (here) how my own Latin Dominican community and own household growing up had/has a lot of anti-blackness. For years I internalized so many things and with the recent events it all came out in tears and anger. Particularly my hair has been a pressure point for me. My natural hair was not accepted or was not considered "good hair" growing up. It's a big reason why no matter how much people tell me they love my natural hair when then see it curly I absolutely hate it in the mirror. It's intergenerational trauma that I won't pass on to my kids. I know we all come from different backgrounds but I urge you educate yourself and/or teach your children. Nobody is born racist it's something that is thought.
There's many ways to help out the Black community like sign petitions, make donations, use your platform/voice, educate yourself, and support Black creators. Today I wanted to highlight on supporting black owned businesses. I did some research and found so many amazing brands in fashion and beauty which you guys no how much I love. I actually worked with one of them and included it down below. Check these out guys they are amazing and if you have anymore to add feel free to add them int he comments!
Beauty Brands
TGIN (Thank God It's Natural)
Vintage Shops: